What is Global Warming and its causes

 What exactly is global warming?

Global warming refers to an increase in the average global temperature, particularly one that lasts long enough to affect the planet's climate. Since 1970, the rate of warming has been nearly three times the century-long average, and the average global façade temperature has increased by more than a degree since 1900.
An increase in the planet's average temperature is referred to as global warming. Nearly all scientists who have studied the history of the planet's climate now concur that human activities, specifically the emission of greenhouse gases from smokestacks, cars, and burning forests, are probably the most significant factor causing the trend. The gases contribute to the planet's natural greenhouse effect, which lets sunlight in while limiting the amount of heat that is radiated back into space.

Global warming's root causes.

There are many factors contributing to global warming, which is destroying the planet. Knowing these factors will help us identify the underlying issues and accelerate the eradication of the global warming problem. Some of the global warming causes are listed below.
Gases that cause global warming.
These power plants generate electricity by burning fossil fuels, which releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Car engines burn gasoline, which contributes about 25% of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.
Buildings, both commercial and residential, produce more greenhouse gas emissions than cars and trucks. These structures require the burning of a sizable amount of fuel, which emits a sizable amount of carbon dioxide into the environment.
To learn more about the subject, read this article on greenhouse gases.
Another factor contributing to global warming is deforestation, which is brought on by industrialization and the clearing and burning of forests for habitation. We are destroying large areas of forests that give us the oxygen we need to survive as we progress toward modernization and the era of developing technology. This is happening because we are growing more and more apathetic toward our own nature and planet. Global warming is largely caused by this irreversible practice of ruthlessly removing trees from the landscape.
The burning of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are formed from the decomposition of carbon-based organisms that have been buried for millions of years. When fossil fuels are burned, a lot of carbon dioxide is released and gets trapped beneath the earth's surface, raising the temperature of the planet significantly. This is because they produce deposits that contain carbon molecules.
Transports and Vehicles.
The effects on the environment caused by vehicles are significant and have been increasing over the past few years as the world is moving towards the modern world. Since vehicles use immense amounts of energy and use petrol and diesel to run which are major carbon components. Therefore burning these fuels to produce energy also emits the by-products of gases like carbon dioxide and monoxide which causes global warming.


Industrialization can be termed as the head of all causes since it acts as a major contributor to global warming. As much as industrialization brings employment and investment into a nation, it also brings climate change and pollution with it. Industrialization is a major cause of the emission of not just carbon-containing gases but also poisonous gases like monoxide which can cause cancer, it is also a significant reason for overpopulation and deforestation since it needs thousands of acres of land to set up the industry.

Waste Disposal.

Improper disposal of solid waste directly contributes to the greenhouse effect since it produces high amounts of methane and nitrous oxides which eventually increases the temperature of the planet.
Effects of Global Warming .
Scientists all over the world are making predictions about the negative impacts of global warming and linking some of the events of the last few decades to the alarming implications of global warming.

On Oceans: .

The average temperature of the globe is rising as a result of global warming. A rise in global temperatures can lead to additional changes in the environment, such as rising sea levels. Since an increase in the temperature causes the glaciers and icebergs to melt at a rapid pace, it causes the sea levels to rise.

On the Weather: 

Global Warming causes intense heat waves by significantly increasing the temperature which disbalances the proportion of temperature in different areas. It creates disasters like droughts, floods and whatnot. It also contributes to hot days and nights, not just that it is a significant reason for frequent wildfires.

On Humans:

Immense heat waves or chilling cold nights affect humans since our bodies can't seem to adapt quickly which makes us fall sick very often and hampers our immunity. Also, disasters like floods and droughts affect the food supply, hampering our day-to-day lives.

On Biodiversity: 

Just like humans, animals and plants also need time to adapt and an imbalanced atmosphere only causes problems for them. Extreme temperatures can kill an animal or a plant if they haven't been in habit of the harsh conditions.

Solutions for Global Warming.

In order to eradicate the problem of Global Warming, we need to take the necessary steps. Some of these steps are as easy as changing our daily habits. Given below are some solutions to solve the issue of global warming, .

Switch to Public Transport: 

The greatest strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is to switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle. As a citizen, it is preferable to switch to a hybrid vehicle and take public transportation. Pollution and traffic congestion will be reduced as a result of this.

Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle: 

You can also make a huge contribution by reducing your use of plastic. Plastic is the biggest source of global warming, and recycling it takes years. Since it takes years for plastic or any metal to decompose, it is an advantageous decision to reuse and repair them rather than just throwing them away after one use or once they break just because it stops serving our purpose.


More tree planting should be encouraged in order to green the environment. Industrialization should adhere to specific guidelines. In order to protect plants and species, industries should not be built in green zones. Such industries that contribute to global warming should face severe fines.

Use of Electric Vehicles: 

Since burning fuels like petrol and diesel emit large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane which contributes majorly to global warming, switching to electric vehicles would significantly reduce the number of carbon emissions into the atmosphere and also decrease the pollution levels along with the temperature.


Individuals cannot be held responsible for global warming; nevertheless, it can be addressed and prevented from worsening at the individual level. Industries and multinational companies, of course, emit more carbon than the typical citizen. Still, the only viable ways to control the growing status of Global Warming are activism and communal effort.


World leaders must develop real strategies and step programs at the state or government level to ensure that the environment is not harmed any further. Despite the fact that we are running out of time to limit the rate of global warming, it is critical to find the correct solution. Everyone, from individuals to governments, must work to find a solution to Global Warming. Pollution control, population control, and natural resource utilization are just a few of the variables to consider. Together we will be able to put an end to this for sure.

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